Filmmaker, Scott Goldberg


With several new crops of films and filmmakers coming out each year, it can be difficult for a newcomer to stand out.  But I feel that Scott Goldberg won’t have too much of a problem with his new film project, “The Three.”  Read on to find out more on Scott and what appears to be a very cool (to say the very least) film project!


MU: So first, tell us a little about yourself and how you came into the world of filmmaking.

SG:  I have always been interested in the aura and magic of movie making. Storytelling was something that came along in the mid twenties however. It’s interesting because as you evolve as an artist, over time you start to find your voice and I think there were definitely a few transitions here and there which led me to where I am today as far as the stories I want to tell and the originality in those stories which I feel can resinate with a lot of people who want to see something different in let’s say the horror genre.
MU:  Tell us a little about “The Three” (without too much spoilers, of course).
SG:   The Three is a feature length production which starts the funding process online on June 21st, 2012 and it’s a dark and cinematic horror film which does not really follow the storyline of modern horror. It’s about a father who has lost his son in the war and the pain inside of him fuels him and his wife to create a scientific project to end all wars for good. It delves into the dark history of mankind and the aspects of humanity that corrupt this planet and world that we live in.
MU:  What sort of challenges have you faced/are you facing as an independent filmmaker?
SG:  Well I’m learning, and as life is a ongoing lesson we never stop learning, that there are people out there who truly believe in the work you do and support you through the good and the bad, and there are others who latch onto you because you’re the latest trend. I’m still working my way up as far as name recognition (which comes from the art you do and the impact, not so much the promotion of your name and face on the Internet) but I personally know some filmmakers whom are making waves with their work, and it’s pathetic how so many bloggers and fanboys seem to latch onto them because like I said, they’re the latest trend. And those people are leeches in a way. They leech onto things to give them a sense of comfort and the issue is that these people are not even your friends. They will drop you as you soon as you start to falter. It seems to be how human nature is anyway, so I try not to think about it too much, but I do see that as very troubling and I think the difference between that and let’s say people who are really interested in your work and your quest to create, is that the people who truly enjoy your work are honest and the type of friends to hold onto. Because when it comes to the industry, it can become very cut throat I am sure.
MU:  What are your thoughts on the industry as it is now and how some tend to look down on independent artists?
SG:  The industry serves it’s purpose, to make money obviously. And I don’t mind that. Everything has a right to exist. I just feel that if you’re independently producing a production without the backing of studio finances, then one should really strive to make original and compelling work. Some people can just go through making a film in a month. Others take a few years. For some it may be about making a quick buck. But there are artists and revolutionaries out there who really want to entertain, yes but also create thought provoking and original work. Staying focused on your craft and making films because you love it is the most important advice I can give anyone who wants to create. So the fact that an industry such as Hollywood might look down on independent artists is fine because there are some out there who want to create their own industries and their own ways, with less rules and restrictions.
MU:  The mainstream media tends to saturate us with the stories of “overnight successes” with all the reality tv ‘stars,’ American Idols, and the ‘cinderella stories’ of how “so and so became an overnight sensation in a matter of five minutes.” Would you say that such articles and stories tend to give (especially) young people trying to break into the industry a sort of false hope and distorted view as to how the industry really works?
SG:  Well, with the “overnight successes” I think of it this way. The music industry has American Idol because it’s easier to put a face on television every week to sell a product. I don’t think a lot of people realize that the purpose of these singing shows, cooking shows, dancing shows is for the producers and the industry to sell new talent. But this has been going on for such a long time, it’s not like it’s a new concept. We live in a world where we need to make money. I believe if someone wants to try to become a “overnight success” then go for it, but in my eyes, it’s mostly about people controlling your artistic freedom to mold you to a generic, mainstream radio song “artist” – this pertaining to American Idol. Is there anything wrong with that? I don’t believe there is, but I surely don’t care for it, you know?
MU:  So when you’re not making films, what do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
SG:  I enjoy making music, writing, anything creative. I just feel we as humans have this ability to create and share things with each other – beautiful, depressing, dark, funny, whatever we feel inside our souls, the music or films we should create. As long as it feels honest and is honest. Forcing things rarely helps the artistic spirit I feel.
MU:  And finally, what’s next for you guys?
SG: Our fundraising efforts will be going on for  while and I’ll be tweaking the screenplay to prep it up over the next few months and in the mean time I’ll continue to be making independent productions and I appreciate you taking the time to check in and take interest in what we do.
Visit the film’s funding site at
The Three short film concept actor Jesse Lee Lafferty with Special FX Makeup Artist Mike Houston in the Wampum Mines
Production still for the short film concept The Three where Mike Reeping and Jesse Lee Lafferty act in a scene together
Scene from the short film concept of The Three

ABOUT THE INTERVIEWER:  Tiffany Apan is an award winning and acclaimed independent recording artist along with being a stage/film actress, producer, and writer.  You can find more about her at her Official Website , Web Blog, MySpace , Twitter , and Facebook She can also be found on IMDb and her music releases on CDBaby along with iTunes, Amazon, and other digital retailers.  She also writes for the publications Rogue Cinema and Horrornews.netShe is also responsible for starting up the Music’s Underworld Webzine .